Geonics Post Processing Programs

Each Geonics instrument possesses a post processing program for the data collected. These programs usually start with the prefix “DAT.” For example, the EM31 post processing program is known as DAT31. These programs are simple to install and use.

DAT34 Finish Page
DAT Finish Page

The general process to installation is locate the DAT program installation file and unzip it. After unzipping the installation file, the installation wizard will guide the user through the installation process. A common pitfall to unzipping and installing the post processing program is administrative rights. Make certain that the user’s computer possesses the privilege to install programs.

The user will not be able to finish the install without a serial number either provided by Geonics or a rental company. Without a serial number, you will not be able to finish installation!

All Geonics instruments, whether it’s the EM61, EM31, EM38 or EM34, save data as raw data files. These files cannot be used until they are converted to a usable. After conversion, files can be used in the DAT programs or be saved as another file type.

DAT31W Installation

DAT31W Installation

DAT31w installation on a computer is an easy method to look at survey results. 1.If the DAT31W is not already ...
DAT31W Short cut

DAT31W File Opening

To open files collected on the EM31-MK2 in the DAT31W files program, an EM31-MK2 file must be converted from the ...
DAT34 Program Download

DAT34 Installation

Install the DAT34 program on a computer to look at survey results. 1.If the DAT34 program is not already installed ...
EM34 Shortcut

DAT34 File Opening

To open files collected on the EM34 in the DAT34 file program, a file must be converted from the EM34 ...
DAT38MK2 Installation

DAT38MK2 Installation

DAT38MK2 installation on a computer is an easy method to look at survey results. 1.If the DAT38MK2 program is not ...
DAT38MK2 Shortcut

DAT38MK2 File Opening

To open files collected on the EM38-MK2 in the DAT38MK2 files program, an EM38-MK2 file must be converted from the ...
DAT61MK2 installation download link

DAT61MK2 Installation

DAT61MK2 installation on a computer is an easy method to look at survey results. 1.If the DAT61MK2 is not already ...
DAT61MK2 file

DAT61MK2 File Opening

Convert EM61-MK2 files to DAT61MK2 files in the DAT61MK2 file program. An EM61-MK2A file must be converted from the .R61 ...