EM34 GPS Menu


Configure the EM34 GPS with the Set GPS Port Menu.


1. Using the stylus, select the EM34 Set GPS Port Menu.

Picture of EM34 Main Menu

2. Select the EM34 GPS Input Field.

EM34 GPS Input

EM34 GPS Input

Choose either Enabled or Disabled depending on whether usingEM34 GPS for the survey or not. When the GPS is disabled, a message stating GPS Disabled will be seen where the GPS coordinates would usually be in the logging mode.


3. Select a Com Port in the Serial Port Field if enabling the GPS.

EM34 Set GPS Serial Port

EM34 GPS Serial Port

COM2: is the default GPS Com port. It is important that the GPS port is different than the port connected to the EM31-MK2.


4. Specify the correct Baud Rate for the GPS system.

EM34 Set GPS Baud Rate

EM34 GPS Baud Rate

By default the Baud Rate is set to 9600. Baud Rates include 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.


5. Match the Parity to the GPS’s parity.

EM34 Set GPS Parity

EM34 GPS Parity

Options include No, Odd, or Even. The default is No.

6. Select the Data Bits Value that matches the GPS receiver.

EM34 Set GPS Data Bits

EM34 GPS Data Bits

The default is 8 although it can be adjusted to 7.


7. Select the Stop Bits Value that matches the GPS receiver.

EM34 Set GPS Stop Bits

EM34 GPS Stop Bits

The default is 1 although it can be adjusted to 2.


8. If the Monitor GPS Output

Button is tapped, the EM34 GPS program will be in terminal mode, displaying the GPS receiver output, the last NMEA command sent to the GPS receiver, and three command buttons: Pause/Go, Send, and Exit.

Every time the GPS records its location, information is sent and displayed in the terminal mode. If the user receives a message of “No Data,” the GPS settings or connection are not correct. The GPS monitoring can be stopped and restarted at any time using the Go/Pause Button. The Send Button allows the user to send a NMEA command to the GPS receiver. GPS parameters should be set using the GPS’s interface or manufacture’s software. However, if the user is familiar with the GPS’s system and NMEA protocol, he or she may use this button to give commands. It is important to note that not all GPS systems use NMEA protocol and some do not accept commands sent through serial cables. The Exit Button is used to leave the terminal mode.


Geonics EM34 Terminal Mode

Geonics EM34 Terminal Mode


9. After changing the EM34 Set GPS Port options, it is important to save.

Press the OK Button to save. After pressing the OK Button, it is safe to push the X Button to exit. If the user exits without pushing the OK Button, the changes will not be saved.