EM61-MK2A Set Output Port Menu


Configure the EM61-MK2A Output Port Menu on the TK6000.


1. Using the stylus, select the EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

Menu to share data simultaneously another logger or computer, as data is acquired.

EM61-MK2A Set Output Port Menu

EM61-MK2A Set Output Port Menu


EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2 A Output Menu


2. In order to have data output,

the user must enable it by clicking the Output Field and switching the option from Disabled to Enabled.




3. Choose Raw or Converted from the Data Field.

Raw data will be sent in binary format (24 bytes). Raw data can later be converted to ACSII format using the Convert option in the data processing program DAT61MK.

EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2A Outport Data Menu

Converted data will be sent to another device in mV and NMEA GPS data files. Converted data also contains information such as station numbers and time stamps. Raw data is often preferable since its data file is much smaller.

EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2A Output Serial Menu


4. Select a communication

port to output data. COM2: is the default. The communication port for output data must be different than the data logger or GPS. If it is not, a message will be displayed, and ports will have to be reassigned.



EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2A Output Baud Menu


5.Determine the correct Baud Rate.

The Baud rate selected should match the external device’s baud rate. The default is 9600. Choices include 4800, 9600,19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.



EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2A Output Parity Menu


6. Match the Parity

to the external device’s parity. Options include No, Odd, or Even. The default is No.






EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2A Output Data Bits


7. Select the Data Bits

value that match the external device. The default is 8 although it can be adjusted to 7.





EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2A Output Stop Bits


8. Select the Stop Bits

value that matches the external device’s receiver. The default is 1 although it can be adjusted to 2.






9. After changing the EM61-MK2A Set Output Port options, it is important to save.

Press the OK Button to save. After pressing the OK Button, it is safe to push the X Button to exit. If the user exits without pushing the OK Button, the changes will not be saved.

EM61-MK2A Set Output Port

EM61-MK2A Set Output Port Save and Exit